Saturday, 8 October 2011

We have WON!

It is with great pleasure that I share our winning story with you. In case you have not already heard, our Chapter has won 3 awards at this year's National Convention.

Best Youth Activities Program
Art2Heart 2011 (project leaders, Amber Somerset and Suzi Chen)

Best Fund-raising Program
Australia Day 2011 Flood Relief Effort (project leaders, Judi Boothroyd and Bronwyn McIlroy)

Best Community Development Program
Wish Tree Christmas Appeal 2010 (project leader: Suzi Chen)

Good job, everyone!

Your Chapter President, Suzi


  1. So proud of you. The Art2Heart program was wonderful for my daughter Bronte and you deserve the awards after all your hard and deserving work. All the best Philippa Rowlands

  2. You deserve these awards, for all the efforts you had put in for The Art2Heart program. My daughter Dishita had a wonderful experience.
    We are proud of you. Keep up the good work.
    Manisha Samel.
