Monday, 10 October 2011

You are Invited!

Please join us on Saturday the 19th of November at 2pm for the Opening of Poverty & Hope Art Exhibition. Visit for more details. 

Vote for Me: Entries for MosQuito & Me Poster Competition

It is time to vote.
Come and choose your favourite 6 MosQuito & Me posters! Click MosQuito & Me by JCI Whitehorse Maroondah: Vote for Me: Entries for MosQuito & Me Poster Comp... to vote.

You Are Invited!

You are invited to our fabulous Art2Heart Exhibition at the Monash Gallery of Art. Please click
Art2Heart by JCI Whitehorse Maroondah: You Are Invited! for full details.

Preparation for the MGA Exhibition

What can we say? Click Art2Heart by JCI Whitehorse Maroondah: Preparation for the MGA Exhibition to see the full story.

Poverty & Hope Art Exhibition

Join us and celebrate our upcoming Poverty & Hope Art Exhibition. This exhibition is part of the Nothing but Nets project, which is to support the United Nations' initiative to fight malaria and extreme poverty. Poverty & Hope Art Exhibition encourages community members to think about the issue of poverty through an creative expression. Visit here to see more artwork.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

JCI reunion 2012

We all know that JCI has a long history, but you don't fully appreciate just how rich the JCI history is until you met past JCI members. I was doing a community engagement on behalf of the Chapter a few month ago when I met Bev Dixon, a past JCI member, in the audience. Bev told the audience after my talk that she was a JCI member for 5 years and those 5 years were filled wit happy and wonderful memories and experiences. Bev then invited me to visit her home so I could view Bev's "JCI collection".

So on Saturday the 24th of Sep, Bron, Judi and I joined Bev Dixon and Ray Allen, two past JCI members, at Bev's Blackburn house to talk about JCI history. Bev first joined JCI in 1979 and was a member of the Burvale Chapter. During her 5 JCI years, Bev was extremely active and well accomplished, which was clearly reflected in the photos, trophies, certificates and newspaper articles that Bev presented to us. 

Having seen this wonderful and rich JCI history, the Chapter is organising a reunion in 2012. We would love to have all of you with us. Please contact if you would like to join us at the reunion.

Your Chapter President, Suzi

Saturday, 8 October 2011

We have WON!

It is with great pleasure that I share our winning story with you. In case you have not already heard, our Chapter has won 3 awards at this year's National Convention.

Best Youth Activities Program
Art2Heart 2011 (project leaders, Amber Somerset and Suzi Chen)

Best Fund-raising Program
Australia Day 2011 Flood Relief Effort (project leaders, Judi Boothroyd and Bronwyn McIlroy)

Best Community Development Program
Wish Tree Christmas Appeal 2010 (project leader: Suzi Chen)

Good job, everyone!

Your Chapter President, Suzi

Friday, 7 October 2011

Big THANK YOU to our sponsors!!

2011 Wish Tree Christmas Appeal: Big THANK YOU to our sponsors!!: Monash City Council , Insurance House Group , Officeworks Glen Waverley and Suzi Chen Design are the proud sponsors for this year's Wish T...

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Celebrating Warmth of Wool 2011

Our wonderful Warmth of Wool 2011 project recognised that many primary school aged children in the city of Whitehorse do not have grandparents who can share stories of the past. Similarly, many local elderly residents do not have a chance to share their experience with younger generation and may, in fact, feel socially isolated. Therefore, JCI Whitehorse Maroondah this year joined forced with Orchard Grove Primary School and Inala Age Care facility in the Whitehorse district to tackle this problem.

400 young kids and 12 senior volunteers from Inala Village participated in this project, which commenced in June 2011 for 15 weeks. Senior volunteers from Inala Village were transported to Orchard Grove Primary School every Tuesday to teach students knitting. For 6 Thursdays, school kids walked to Inala Village and shared quality time with the Inala residents. As a result, 28 blankets were made, which will be donated to needed families later in the year. 

Share the love

Look at this cutie, isn't he/she lovable? This is the cover of our sponsorship pack from Melbourne Zoo.